Hi, I’m Tabitha.

I’m so glad you found me here! Let me just tell you a little bit about me so you know what you’re getting yourself into here… I am a wife, a mom of 5, a grandma, I lost count of how many dogs we have now, I am a home builder & designer for over 20 years, I own a beautiful retail store called Reclaimed Warehouse, I am a major DIY fanatic that uses power tools & hot glue guns, & I love to learn about gardening and thrive on cooking things that are easy. Juggling all of these for a long time has made me an expert in playing it cool during chaos. I’ve learned a trick or two in everything that I’ve done and I’m here to share those with you.

I’ve created this space because I deeply believe that the home you create matters. It can be a place of beautiful refuge, a place of love and acceptance, & a place that fuels and inspires you. Created a home you love doesn’t have to feel impossible or overwhelming.

I want to encourage you that you can do this and I can help!